Thursday, January 21, 2010


So I'm back. I've started keeping a journal again and figured I should start blogging again too! Writing brings a certain sanity to my world, a world where I am seriously lacking sleep. To bring you up to speed, Madelyn is now 8 1/2 months old, growing like crazy, eating solid foods, and almost crawling. She plays, she rolls over, and she talks (mamamamama). In September she was declared healed and healthy by our wonderful cardiologist. Her next appointment is in three years and that's just for a follow-up! We are sooo grateful for the prayers and support through everything, and are thrilled that she is doing so well.

Lately Madelyn's nights have been horrible... up a few times every night for at least an hour. Sleep has been a fleeting thought, but one I think often! And though I'm exhausted and can't wait to sleep through the night again, I love the times when she cuddles and rests in my arms. There's something incredible about babies, their innocence and vulnerability. Sometimes, when she lets me, I sit in our rocking chair and stare outside at the stars. In the still of the night I'm reminded that the God who created the universe and put the stars in the sky, came down in the form of a helpless, sleeping baby. Wow.