Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Surgery

We don't have dates yet, but here's what we do know about the surgery Madelyn needs to have

* it is open-heart surgery
* she will be on a heart/lung machine
* it could take up to 6 hours, the bulk of that time will be spent hooking her up to different machines, IVs, etc
* the surgery consists of going into her heart and cutting out this growth, as well as looking at the walls of her heart to make sure everything looks good

Please pray for Rus and I as we are preparing emotionally and spiritually for that day. It terrifies both of us to think of our little girl all hooked up on machines, but we know this is for the best. We know that the outcome is in God's hands, but we obviously want things to turn out the way we want!

Pray for peace for us. It took me weeks to overcome my fear of her heart stopping while she slept, and because of that, I was completely drained emotionally.

Pray for patience as we wait for the surgery dates.

Pray for Madelyn to continue to grow bigger and stronger. We have had so many people comment to us that she doesn't look like a baby that needs heart surgery because she looks so normal for her age. We attribute this completely to God's intervention in her life.

Pray for us that we'll be able to praise God and that He will be honoured and glorified through this situation.


  1. Hello Bonnie & Rus
    Thank you for sharing with us what is happening in Madelyn's and your lives. We will pray for God to continue to bless you with small and great blessings. That He will bring a sense of peace as you make decisions and that things will happen quickly (so all the pieces fall together).

    Our love a prayers will continue to be with you.
    Stan & Sylvia

  2. I love you, Bonnie! Donovan and I are praying for you guys. Keep us posted!

  3. Rus and Bonnie
    you are in our prayers daily. i pray for peace and a constant assurance that God is in control of this situation. I also pray for strength that you will need through this whole thing.
    love you all,

  4. Hello from Russell's Mom and Dad,

    You do not know us. We are from Rowandale, and you may have heard about our son Russell who was in Edmonton this past winter and had a heart transplant just after Christmas. We know the Stollery like it is a second home. You are going to a fantastic place. The staff there holds a very special place in our hearts.

    Things can get very frustrating as you navigate the medical system. Our understanding is that you are already experiencing this frustration as Madelyn's surgery has already been delayed. Hang in there; we know from experience that you want the timing and circumstances to be perfect.

    If you want, we have lots of tips about the hospital in Edmonton that we can share if you want. Remember this: the torturous journey that we were on is not your journey. Madelyn has a path chosen by God and there is a purpose. We pray this will be a short and uneventful journey.

    We are praying for Dr Ross and Dr Rebeyka, one of which will be doing this surgery. There are only two surgeons who do this. They are both top notch Doctors. Dr Rebeyka did Russell's two surgeries and Dr Ross did Susan's surgery at the end of May. We know them both very well. You are in very capable hands.

    We think of you often even though we have never met. Making this journey to Edmonton strikes so close to home for us we can't help but empathize and offer any kind of help we can. Feel free to E-mail us at anytime with any questions or if you just feel the need to vent. We know how that can be.

    Praying for you,

    Donald & Susan Lepp
