Sunday, July 19, 2009


Well, we made it. I was pretty worried about Maddie flying, but she was a pro! She slept through both the takeoff and landing, and only fussed in between when she had a dirty diaper. Ever tried changing a diaper in an airplane bathroom? Quite the adventure. There was another baby on the plane and I must proudly say that Madelyn handled it better, but there's always the flight home to prove me wrong! I'm sitting at our hotel right now; Maddie is having her evening nap and Rus went to a convenience store to pick up a few groceries to make our stomachs stop growling.

We spent the weekend with both our families; it's quite the group when they mix together! But it was sooo encouraging to have them pray over us and Maddie, and to see all the support and love they have for us. Thanks!!

We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow. At 7am we're at the hospital to start all her tests. They've reviewed her file and know all about her, but they want to do all their own echos and bloodwork and such. It's gonna be a long day.

Pray: that we have a good rest tonight and are ready to face the day tomorrow. From what we've heard, the PreAdmission Clinic experience is a lot harder than the actual surgery day.

Pray: we are both worn out emotionally and the surgery hasn't even happened yet.

Pray: for confidence for Rus as he leads our little family through this

Pray: for peace and strength for both of us. We have great confidence in our doctors, but we have an even greater confidence in the One who created these doctors and who formed Maddie and loves her more than us.

Pray: for rest for Madelyn tonight and tomorrow so she'll be strong and ready to face the surgery and recovery

Praise: the flight went great!

Praise: both of us have slept incredibly well this past week and we have to give the credit to God. When I worry, I don't sleep. Well, I've worried this week, and have still slept.

Praise: it may sound funny, but we're thankful that the time change gives us an extra hour instead of losing one!


  1. Hi Bonnie and Rus, Thank you again for keeping us posted and for giving us direction in how to pray. That Sunbeam will continue to shine on you!!! Love and prayers! Sylvia

  2. Our whole church family was praying for you this morning. Maddie's in the BEST hands possible... our Heavenly Father's. Your faith and perserverance through all this is an awesome testimony Bon! Keep trusting Him, and I hope your Monday goes smoothly.

  3. I will be praying for you a lot today as you pre-admit.:). Thank you for taking time to share your needs and such with us. Again, Love you. (Lindsay)

  4. I just read our church bulletin for yesterday and your names were mentioned in the prayer bulletin. Yes thanks for being so honest and sharing your hearts. God is walking before you and knows all the details - even all the minute ones. We are praying for you
