Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Isn't there an old Sunday School song about a sunbeam? Jesus wants me for a sunbeam? Or am I imagining that. I went for a drive tonight, just to get out of the house by myself. The sky has been so dark all day, gloomy and rainy, but at the same time a refreshing wind and cooler temperature came with it.

While I was driving, in the middle of a dark cloud, the sun emerged. It was only there for a few seconds, but what a beautiful picture. I could make up all sorts of analogies for what it meant; but for me it had a very literal meaning. There is always sun after a storm. Even when you can't see it because the clouds are in the way, it's still there. I was so encouraged.

When I'm down and all I can do is cry because this whole situation terrifies me, Maddie will smile and the sun comes out again. She has no idea what's going on. I think she feels our stress, but life is still so simple for her. Eat, sleep, play, poop. Her smiles brighten my whole world, especially when it's one that proves she recognizes us and knows who we are. I'm so hoping that as she wakes up from the surgery she'll smile at us, even if it's a weary and sedated smile.

Thanks so much for your words of encouragement and prayers. They mean so much to us.


  1. Wow, haven't heard that song in forever, but yes, it IS a song.
    Jesus wants me for a sunbeam to shine for Him each day. In every way try to please Him, at home, at school, at play. A sunbeam, a sunbeam. Jesus wants me for a sunbeam. A sunbeam, a sunbeam. I'll be a sunbeam for Him.
    Can you hear me singing for ya? :) Love you Bon. Hang in there.

  2. Thanks D! And yes, I can totally haer you singing it. Someday I'll call and you can sing it for Maddie!

  3. Bonnie,
    Yes the Lord sends these words our way in His own time. Hang in there my girl. God is suffient even in a time like this. Keep looking up. He cares about you and will send the sunshine after the storm i am sure.
    LOve you lots,

  4. :o) This made me smile. (Especially reading Dwylla's comment...I can hear you singing too Dwyalla! Brings back memories of being 3 years old in Sunday School with you!) It encouraged me to remember that the sun is still out there and there WILL be sunny days again..even when we don't feel like it. I continue to pray for a very bright and sunny outcome to next week for both of us. And I really do hope you get some big smiles from Maddie after surgery too!
