Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thundering Thoughts

My soul is feeling refreshed. I spent the morning praying with two dear friends, and I was so encouraged by their faith and confidence in God. At times when I doubt, I know there are others who will hold me up before God and speak for me. I was reminded that this surgery doesn't just involve the doctors and nurses, but God is there already preparing the doctors and filling the hospital with his presence. We prayed for continued health for Maddie as well as for Rus and I. We gave God the glory for carrying us this far and showing us that he is more than able to handle our fears and concerns.

There's a verse in the Bible that says God sometimes speaks in a whisper. And while this is true, today I heard him in a thunderstorm. Nothing calm or peaceful about it; the thunder spoke volumes. I can't remember ever being afraid of thunderstorms, in fact I usually enjoy them. With every clap of thunder it was as though God was telling me that he is so much bigger than this whole situation. The God who created the universe and all its weather systems also created and formed our little girl. He knows every inch of her, including the four millimeter growth in her heart.

I feel so much peace right now, and the only way to explain it is God. And as much as this whole situation sucks, God is continuously using it to bring him glory. I knew I needed to write this down so that the next time fear hits, and I know it will hit hard again, I can look back and be reminded of all that God is.


  1. Wow Bonnie I SO needed to hear that. I was just feeling really overwhelmed with worry and stuff over Elijah's scope on Monday and the procedure itself and what we will hear from it and this really encouraged me. What a great reminder of how powerful God is. I really needed this encouragement. Thanks for sharring!

  2. Wow, that definitely brought tears to my eyes! I am continuously praying for you all! Peace, peace, peace to you!

  3. We will continue to pray for your little family.

  4. Thank you Lord for the grace that you show us! Thank you for Bonnie and Rus and THANK YOU JESUS FOR MADELYN!!!! - Everyday EVERY day, Bonnie, I lift you up in prayer. Thank you also for being a GREAT friend. Love you guys!(Lindsay)
