Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Surgery Date

So we got a call from the Variety Heart Center today and we have a surgery date. We fly to Edmonton on Sunday the 19th, Madelyn is admitted to the hospital on Monday the 20th, and her surgery will be Tuesday the 21st.

How are we feeling? Well, how many emotions can you name... My initial reaction was relief. We will finally have answers as to what this thing is and we won't have to worry anymore about it breaking loose inside her heart and causing a stroke. Relief was followed by worry, fear, and excitement; all of which invoked tears.

I worry, I always have, so dealing with this whole situation has been quite the test of faith for me. We had to wait a week after finding out that they had seen something on the ultrasound to find out what was going on, and that was the start of a journey dealing with fear, worry, and doubt. Whenever the worry creeps in, I know I need to immediately give it over to God or it will take over. I also am not a fan of the unknown, nor am I very patient. When I first got pregnant I joked with some friends that the baby would be born late just to test my patience. Little did I know how patient I would have to be through this whole thing.

So now we wait. We have a surgery date, but we still have to get to that date. Madelyn needs to stay healthy so the surgery isn't postponed again.

She had her immunizations yesterday and she proved to be quite a tough kid. During the first needle, she just looked at me like 'what are you doing to me?' The second one made her yelp a little. But it was only when I picked her up off the doctor's table that she started crying, poor kid. I walked around with her, and she was almost asleep when someone in the waiting room sneezed. She jerked, and the crying started again. I found it pretty funny, but tried not to laugh too much at her. It may be wierd but I found the immunizations encouraging. Her stamina and reaction to them assured me that she could handle surgery. Obviously needles and open heart surgery are two very different things, but I still found it comforting.

Pray that Maddie will remain healthy and keep growing stronger
Pray for peace for Rus and I as we get closer to the surgery date
Pray for travel to Edmonton, that it will be uneventful and that she'll be ok during take off and landing
Pray for the doctors that they will have wisdom and steady hands
Pray that we will use this whole experience to glorify God and that he will receive the honour for her healing

Maddie is smiling and healthy and growing
We don't have to wait longer for her surgery
We will be back in time for my brother's wedding! (This was starting to be a big concern because we didn't have the date yet)
That God has given us peace this far
For all of you, and the support you've given us

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping us posted. Our prayers continue to be with you!
