Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kicks and Smiles

I honestly can't believe it's only Thursday. This feels like a never ending week! And her surgery already feels like it was ages ago, when in reality it's only been about 50 hours since it was finished.

Last night was rough on me. I know she's made a ton of progress, but yesterday she was still so drugged and not herself yet. I found myself needing to pray for patience; it had only been a day since she had open heart surgery, obviously it takes time to heal! For some reason I had pictured her to look different after the surgery; maybe smaller and weaker, but she still looked the same. It's hard not to set my expectations too high and remember that her little body still needs to recover from this. I went back to the hotel early, listened to praise and worship music, and just cried. Not for anything in particular, but mostly to get out all the emotions from the week. Everyone so far has told us she's doing great, but I wanted my little Maddie back.

Well this morning when we got to the hospital, her face lit up and she smiled! They had taken out the three chest tubes before we arrived, and she was on very little morphine. Shortly after we got there a nurse also took out the pace maker wire (they insert it just in case). So because those wires and tubes were all out, no more morphine! She's still obviously on pain killers, but nothing that strong.

And we got to hold her for the first time! We could have held her yesterday already but the chest tube causes a lot of discomfort, so we decided to wait. It felt so amazing to hold her again, and she snuggled right in like we've never put her down. It's a bit awkward because she still has some wires stuck to her (to monitor her heartbeat), but we're getting used to it.

She's now in the cardiac ward and we're able to do more for her and feel like parents again. If we're gone, we know the nurses will take care of everything, but when we're there, we get to feed her, change her diapers, and hold her as much as we want. I honestly didn't think I would be so excited to change a diaper again! And she's so happy. I had pictured her being restrained because she moves so much and could easily tear out wires etc, but she hasn't been held back! She moves around easily as much as ever, and seems to have no idea that she's just had major surgery. I'm so thankful she won't remember any of this! We've taken lots of pictures and plan to make an album to explain why she has a scar on her chest.

A lot of people have said that it's too bad she'll have a scar, but honestly, I'm hoping that scar will be a constant reminder of the work God has done here, and how amazing he is. A scar is just that, a scar, not a wound or something damaging. It's a symbol of what has happened, and it will remind me to put Madelyn's life in God's hands because he is always going to hold on to her.

God has been so good to us through this whole week. I'm still amazed we've been able to sleep so well. This week has had quite a few highs and lows, but prayer is such a powerful tool for handling everything.

We're hearing that we'll probably be able to go home this weekend, but we don't have a date yet. Once Madelyn is discharged we still need to wait for the Variety Heart Center in Winnipeg to arrange our flight home, so it might only be Sunday or Monday.

Thanks again so much for all your prayers!


  1. Hello Reimer Family,

    This is such a strange experience for us. Reading your posts and being a little jealous of you as you visit with all of our old friends at the Stollery. We are overjoyed at the progress Maddie is making and that her prognosis is so positive. Awesome news. So many of your comments bring back memories for us. Looking out the window of the ICE Room and seeing the PCL Cranes across the street and the LRT...Going back to the Hotel room and falling apart...we've certainly been there. You guys are doing get home already. As much as we love the Stollery it is a very emotionally demanding place. Hang in there...just a little longer and we are praying for smooth sailing the rest of the way...and don't panic if there are minor glitches...that is all part of this process.

    Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

    Donald & Susan Lepp

  2. I just keep being so encouraged when I read your posts! It is so awesome what God is doing for your family and I am so excited! I continue to pray often for you guys and we have been praying for you at our church as well.
    I agree with the above comment, so many of the things you say bring back such intense memories for me. Sometimes it's almost hard to read because of that...because I can picture myself right back there, trying to hold Elijah around all the wires, being impatient, overwhelmed,being strong in the hospital and then taking breaks where all you do is fall apart, etc. But it is also healing for me to read your story because it is so hopeful and it reminds me of the awesome outcome of our story as well and helps me work through the emotions.

    I can't believe you could be released this weekend! Wow that's incredible! As the couple said above though...try not to be discouraged if there is some minor bumps in the road before then. We got told over and over by the nurses that that is usually the way things go and it definitely was for us. I'll be praying there are not many though and that they are super insignificant!

    Continued thoughts, love and prayers!

    With Hope,

  3. What a blessing to here how the Lord is healing our litle sweetheart. Keep looking up, Rus and Bonnie. God will keep carrying you through this. We are looking forward to seeing you soon
