Monday, July 20, 2009


Unfortunately PAC isn't short for PacMan, but I wish it was. PAC, or, PreAdmission Clinic, is what we did with our day. It started at 7am, and for those who know me, mornings aren't so hot. But Maddie was thrilled we were both up to play with her; she is such a morning girl. We spent the day talking to the surgeon (Dr. Quinonez), the anesthesiologist, the social worker, many nurses, and getting a tour of the PICU. Maddie also had blood work done (didn't cry at all), a chest xray (screamed through the whole thing), and an echo cardiogram (slept through most of it). From her behavior you'd never know her schedule was thrown off today, but Rus and I were tired. We all just woke up from naps.

The hospital is beautiful. Everything is new and nicely designed and painted and so easy to find. It also doesn't have that sterile hospital smell that lingers when you leave. Everyone has been super friendly and we've had plenty of time to ask questions.

The surgery is scheduled for 7:20am tomorrow, so we've gotta be at the hospital at 6. Dr. Quinonez estimated that the surgery will last around 4 hours, so we should be able to see her again by lunch. As far as he's concerned, this is a very routine surgery. He does on average two heart surgeries a day, but he has yet to see a growth like this in a baby's heart. In fact, this growth has all the cardiologists and surgeons here stumped, but hopefully the biopsy gives some answers.

Pray: that feeding will not be an issue tomorrow morning. Maddie usually only has two hours between feedings, but her last one has to be at least three hours before the surgery. We're hoping to wake her up in the night to feed and then she'll sleep till we hand her over to the doctors.

Pray: for rest tonight, we've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow.

Pray: for her surgery

Pray: that we will be able to share our hope in God with someone. We so badly want this experience to glorify Him.

Praise: today went so well! And Maddie is healthy enough to have the surgery tomorrow.

Praise: For the countless times we've been told that people are praying for us. You have no idea how much it means to us to be uplifted so often in prayer. Thank You!!

Praise: that in this hotel if you leave dishes on the counter the maid washes them! We had planned on doing them after all the appointments today, but when we got back they were washed and sitting nicely beside the sink. It may sound trivial, but we were excited.

1 comment:

  1. LOL. Bonnie, my dear friend, if you were a journalist I would read your stuff everyday for entertainment and encouragement! you are so great at writing. Anyway, yes, we are all here beside you (praying and such) as you go through this. Love you!
